Currently the IMMUNE SYSTEM is one of the most effective ways of fighting COVID 19, a virus unknown to us until just a few months ago. The immune system is a body defense weapon against pathogenic agents that can unleash very different illnesses on humans. They are made up of tissue and cells that spread in the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Immunity is associated to the activity of a specific type of white blood cell ( lymphatics) that circulate in the body through the blood vessels. It has been proven that Led light therapy, at specific wavelengths, can strengthen the immune system reducing the risks of contracting bacteria and viruses.
Red Led light therapy will cause temporary limited trauma in the penetrated cells. This negative pressure however will lead to the cells reacting positively through their natural anti inflammatory and anti oxident actions. As a result the human body will become better prepared to react to an exposure to viruses and other types of infections in general and SUCCESSFULLY combat the disease.